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There are two kinds of environment: Natural and Built

What does 'environment' mean?

The surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.


There are two kinds of environments referred to in geography.


1. Natural environment, which includes the flora and fauna, landscapes known as biomes, landscape features such as Mountains, valleys, hills, forests, ocean, etc.


2. Built environment, which is the aspects that humans have added for example, towns, dwellings, buildings, roads and train tracks, wetlands or modified natural environments, to name a few.



Our environment can be organised into different categories known as biomes. A biome is distinguished by the climate and native flora and fauna that reside there. 


These are the different types of biomes:

Tropical Rainforest, Temperate Forest, Taiga, Grassland, Savanna, Desert, Marine, Freshwater, Tundra, Swamp, Anthropogenic.

In this task you will:

Find or take a real picture to represent each Biome type. (not illustrations)



  • You can use the internet to type in each biome to find a picture

  • Write some key facts about each biome: What are its defining characteristics?



  • Add your bird's biome or biomes to your poster or booklet




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