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What is change?

It is to make (someone or something) different; alter or modify.

Or to​ replace (something) with something else, especially something of the same kind that is newer or better; substitute one thing for (another).


For example our natural environment has been significantly changed by buildings, cities, and human dwellings (known as the built environment).


In this task you will:

Identify how the habitat of your species of bird has changed over time.


Questions to answer:

  • In what ways have humans impacted your birds habitat? (for good or for bad)

  • How has this habitat change affected their living places, feeding, breading habits, or migration?

  • What do you think it would have been like before humans changed the environment?



  • Along with any visuals write information - answering the questions above.

  • Add to your poster or booklet



Wetlands, such as Woorabinda in Stirling, while in many ways are great for birds, is still a human impact on the environment. Due to housing and the the Stirling township, humans have reduced the available living space for birds and other animals. Creating this wetlands to support habitat and feeding grounds is a small but positive act to support the native flora and fuana. 

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