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Video 1

Pre-Project Task

I'd like you to watch the two videos below and answer:

Q1 Video 1:

A. In what ways are the kids from the video affected? (think about the interconnections-- the carry-on effects of one thing to another),
B. What would happenb (socially, economically, environmentally) if they had access to clean water?

Q2 Video 2:

A. What does this person have to do to ensure they have drinking water for their family?
B. What risks does she have to take?

Q3 After watching both video's answer:
A. How does your life in Australia compare to the lives of the kids and students in the videos?
B. What differences and similarities are there?

C. What do we have to be thankful for?


Video 2

All Done?

Have you written your answers into your Digital Humanities Notebook? 

Does your work have appropriate titles?

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