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The Crusades

Crusades picture.jpg

The Crusades were a 200 year-long battle to gain control of Jeruselum, fought between the Muslims from the East and the Christians from the West.


Q: Was this simply a pilgrimage to the Holy Land that went wrong or was this a battle over whose faith was superior?

Consider me throughout all

of the videos.


At the end, try and answer me.

The Crusaders Reach Jerusalem (from a set of Scenes from Gerusalemme Liberata) designed ca. 1689–93, woven 1732–39

Designed by Domenico Paradisi Italian

The Impact of the Crusades

The crusades had long-lasting impacts on the world.



TASK: Note the impacts of the Crusades as outlined in this Video.






EXTENSION: Elaborate in more detail on those impacts.

Knights of the Templar


TASK: Who were the Knights Templar and What purpose did they serve?

EXTENSION: History is about creating a story of the past; contextualising artifacts and literature. Use the question words above to devise questions to answer in order to contribute to that greater story. 

Using the video as your only source of research. Pose 2 short answer historical questions and answer them.



What answer can you give to this?


Q: Why is there war over a place that both Muslims and Christians (and Jews) agree is sacred?

Jerusalem is a city in the Middle East. It is considered a Holy place for religions such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam (known as the Abrahamic religions). Still today, it is a source of great contention and conflict. Click here to read more about that.



TASK: Research the similarities and differences between Christianity and Islam and then create a Venn diagram. 

find at least 5 similarities and 5 differences creating an overlap in the Venn diagram.

All Done?

Have you written your answers into your Microsoft Teams Humanities Notebook? 

Does your work have appropriate titles?

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