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Women in History

Why do women get a particular focus and men don't?

Records throughout history have been predominantly written by men on people, places, events and change that men could only participate in, as in until the turn of the 20th century women had very few civil rights and were considered property of men. Therefore, the female perspective, contribution and voice has been silenced.


It is important that as learners we illuminate the focus on women in historical contexts as the default perspective is male. Historical narratives have been dominated by the perspectives and contributions of men, often overlooking or marginalising the roles and experiences of women. By focusing on women's history, we strive to correct this imbalance and provide a more comprehensive understanding of the past.


Women have always played significant roles in shaping societies, economies, cultures, and politics, yet their contributions have often been downplayed or overlooked in traditional historical accounts. By exploring women's history, we can uncover these overlooked stories, achievements, struggles, and triumphs, enriching our understanding of the past and present.


Moreover, studying women's history helps challenge and deconstruct gender stereotypes and biases that persist in contemporary society. It allows us to recognise the diversity of women's experiences across different cultures, time periods, and social backgrounds.


Ultimately, by incorporating women's perspectives into historical narratives, we not only honour the contributions of half of humanity but also gain a more accurate and inclusive understanding of our shared history.

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